Non-owner car insurance is for people who seek insurance protection, but do not own their own vehicle. With non-owner auto insurance, people can have coverage for medical bills if they are injured in an accident while driving someone else's vehicle. This is helpful to have if a driver is not on someone else's policy or would prefer to possess a policy in their name. There are instances when this kind of policy is a good investment. Take all other options into consideration before choosing to purchase this kind of coverage.
In some cases, this type of policy is an excellent choice for those whom drive cars other than their own. If a driver frequently drives a company car for his job, he may want to purchase non-owner car insurance. Your employer probably already has the employee on a policy, but the driver may want to consider purchasing some added protection. A person may want to get this kind of coverage if he borrows his friends' and family members' cars on a regular basis. This will give him and them peace of mind. Finally, if a person rents vehicles frequently, he may want to consider taking out this kind of policy. It can become extremely expensive to buy liability coverage from car rental services.
Non-owner car insurance isn't as common as other forms of auto insurance, but it does exist. Not every auto insurer must sell it so a driver may have to dig a little deeper to find it. The Internet is a great source for non-owner auto insurance. Simply search through a search engine. A driver may want to ask friends and family if they know of insurers who offer this kind of coverage. With their recommendations, he can visit these insurers' websites. One can usually request quotes for this kind of policy at these websites. It's important to look for the policy that offers the right premium and deductible for the buyer.
In a few cases, non-owner auto insurance isn't very beneficial. It's important to remember that non-owner car insurance takes over after the car owner's liability coverage has been used. For this reason, parents shouldn't get this type of policy for their teen to save money in place of adding them to their existing policy. Typically this will not save them much money.
When choosing to obtain non-owner auto insurance, it is important to remember one's responsibilities as a driver. Friends and family do not have to be left to bear the burden of paying for damages or medical care if there is an accident with their vehicle. "For every man shall bear his own burden" (Galatians 6:5). One must consider carefully, and pray about this kind of coverage before making the decision.
Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 6, 2008
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