Car insurance for young drivers always seems to be a sore subject for parents because of the extra expense associated with adding on a driver to an already existing policy. Contrary to popular belief, not all companies have the same dim view on car insurance for a young driver. Coverage costs tend to be higher because of the teens lack of experience. A discount in premiums will require at least three years of a good driving record. A good driving record means no tickets, suspensions or fender benders to most coverage agencies. The goal for a teenager is to get an adequate amount of protection at the lowest possible rate.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to help out the wallet when it comes to purchasing car insurance for young people. The kind of vehicle a child has is going to greatly impact the cost of car insurance for a young driver. It is recommended that in order to get the best rate, avoid sport utility vehicles and any other type of sports car. Try to find a reliable used vehicle that only needs to carry liability and uninsured motorist coverage. A cheaper car can mean cheaper premium payments. It is a good idea to check out rates with many agents before purchasing a definite policy plan.
Many auto insurance companies will offer a discount for a teen that maintains a G.P.A. of 3.0 or better. A parent will most likely get a discount from their own agency on car insurance for young drivers by having their child take a recognized driver education class every now and then. Some companies require the policyholder to take specific classes to get a discount on car insurance for a young driver, so be sure to check before enrolling. Keep the proof of completion handy if the agency needs proof. Coverage costs can also be lowered by having the vehicle registered in the parent's name.
Registering the vehicle to the parent will require the parent to add the vehicle to his or her policy. Typically this will allow a discount for having multiple vehicles under the same policy and if the parent has multiple policies, example: renters, homeowners, etc; there can be additional discounts taken off of the rate. While it is a wonderful idea to teach the child responsibility, multiple policyholders are going to save a lot of money on car insurance for a young driver. "Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with food convenient for me" (Proverbs 29:8). Keeping the child on the policy as an occasional driver instead of a primary will also help cut the cost of car insurance for young drivers.
Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 6, 2008
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